Our Services

To be effective, decarbonization risk must be understood at each and every discrete segment of the value chain. IXO provides specialist services under four pillars (engineering, advisory, governance, research) to facilitate the understanding and management of, and response to, investment risk in the development (new build) and redevelopment (retrofit or upgrade) of assets.

  • IXO provides engineering services based on design-for-decarbonization principles. We cover Facade Consultancy and Structural Engineering commencing from pre-planning stage through to post-construction. We work with the spectrum of materials, traditional (including steel, aluminium, glass, concrete, masonry, zinc, bronze, timber) and non-traditional (highly refined manmade materials such as carbon fibre, engineered timber, composites). We also work with complex prefabricated and site-installed systems (curtain walling, structural glass) through to modern methods of construction (DfMA, MiC).

    Our output includes traditional engineering documentation, such as: detailed design drawings, sketches, structural analysis reports, thermal analysis reports, physical testing and material inspection reports, defects inspection reports, tender technical assessments, detailed specifications.


  • IXO provides advisory services related to embodied carbon target setting, carbon management strategies, measurement, course-correction, and implementation. Our particular interest lies in the sustainable retrofit of existing assets, to improve energy efficiency and mitigate climate risk exposure. Whether new masterplan or portfolio assessment, we provide decarbonization strategies aligned to Scope 3 commitments, balancing OPEX and CAPEX budgets.

    Our outputs are tailored to our client partners’ needs – typically comprising a strategy report outlining options and detailed implementation.


  • IXO provides governance services to bridge the gap between corporate/investment-level decarbonization commitments and project-level implementation. Decarbonization represents a new way of doing things and at the same time requires rapid adoption; we understand this paradox intuitively. To help speed up the integration of decarbonization in practice and on projects, IXO provides independent governance services, deploying methodical design management, risk management, procurement review, and contract review services.

    Our outputs are tailored to our partners’ needs and their stakeholders – typically comprising process-driven strategic inputs and review checkpoints.


  • IXO provides research services centred on innovation and technology. Our research division focuses on cutting and bleeding edge technology and policy research to enable our clients explore all solutions to meet their decarbonization goals.

    Reduction of carbon in construction materials and prefabricated systems represents a clear pathway to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. IXO research allows our partners to remain abreast of market movements in new materials, explore advanced material options, bed down procurement risks for new-to-market materials, invest in material testing where needed to meet regulatory requirements, and specify new materials to reduce construction claim and programme risk.

    Our outputs are focussed on technology and vendor assessments, encompassing mitigations for decarbonization risks at play in the traditional project lifecycle and beyond.


For IXO, there is no such thing as accidental decarbonization.

IXO applies deep scientific rigor, enabling our clients to strategize for decarbonization and make informed decisions to meet their Scope 3 targets.

We are niche: quick to respond to market movements and innovations, backed by deep construction-based experience. We are differentiated by our interest in measurable and impactful decarbonization; we advise on real risks and whether capital allocation will translate to real reductions. Our clients include: asset managers, investors, developers, valuers, insurers, architects, consultants, contractors, research institutes.

IXO’s end-to-end services enable our clients to
science-based COMMITMENTS.


  • IXO was appointed to carry out a peer review to propose design efficiencies for facade and secondary structural support systems. The review and recommendation resulted in a 47% reduction in embodied carbon compared to the tendered design, simultaneously simplifying both the procurement route and regulatory approvals processes - resulting in substantive reduction to the construction programme.

    Activated IXO Pillars: Engineering (E)

  • This case study demonstrates retrofit strategies proposed to significantly improve operational energy performance and extend building life of a Grade A office tower in Hong Kong.

    Key outcomes:

    • Facade improvement strategies resulting in 20% reduction in energy use intensity through minor and inexpensive treatments.

    • Data-based decision to extend the building life an extra 30 years.

    Activated IXO Pillars: Advisory (A), Research (R)

  • IXO carried out portfolio risk management for a client based in the Middle East. IXO brought efficiency through implementation of a reporting framework, mitigation plans and stakeholder engagement for a portfolio of > 35 projects of > US $1 Trillion value. We leveraged deep engineering experience to engage with each client team, to identify technical risks and propose detailed risk mitigation plans.

    Activated IXO Pillars: Governance (G), Engineering (E)

  • We relied upon a principles-based approach to first define a baseline embodied carbon performance for an array of buildings in an architectural masterplan, and secondly determine reasonable targets for both embodied carbon and envelope (operational) performance. We then developed design framework to achieve the targets.

    The case study demonstrated clearly that a principles-based low carbon design approach for carbon target setting is possible in markets where material-specific carbon emission factor data is not yet available or transparent; and results in a practical and actionable framework.

    Activated IXO Pillars: Advisory (A), Research (R)